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Parkfield in Wikipedia


Parkfield is the World's Earthquake Capital. It is lokated within one hour from Paso Robles
at San Andreas Fault, which goes throughout California, LA and Bay area are moving towards
each other on the "banks" of that fault at a speed of 2.33" per year.
Quakes are quite common here, about 12 quakes with the magnitude over 3 a year.
In 2004 there were several days of morning (10-11 a.m.) quakes with magnitude from 5 to 6.
We jumped out of the building and checked our watches, it happened almost at the same time -
Quake-time. We visited Parkfield twice (2006 and 2009) and noticed that the museum, hotel
and restaurant are coming down: an old locomotive which stood there in 2006 disappeared
by 2009 and so on. There are welcome invitations: BE HERE WHEN IT HAPPENS!

Where is it


Plates movement

Plate 1

Plate 2



Near the Hotel

Sleep here
when IT happens

Cafe gate





Cafe entrance

One more fountain


Santa Fe express


This dog invited
us to play with him
in fountain in 2006

This one - in 2009

Rests of machines
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